version: "0003b--23-Aug-2022"
copyright: "2022-2022"
title: "Nasi Uduk Ibu Alus"
author: "Ibu Alus"
address: "Ujung Simpang Jalan Harapan, LA."
Nasi Uduk
Ibu Alus
Ujung Simpang Jalan Harapan, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan
I have spoken.
tagline: "Nasi Uduk, Ibu Alus, Simpang Harapan"
keywords: "jekyll, testing"
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<br id="idx00">
# {{ site.title }}
<br id="idx01">
<img src="images/QR.png" width="50%">
Setiap pagi, ibu Alus berjualan Nasi Uduk di ujung simpang jalan Harapan,
sekitar 300m setelah stasiun Lenteng Agung -- sebelah kiri jalan arah ke Depok.
Biasanya, ibu Alus bersama pak Alus, yang sudah pensiun dari sebuah BUMN bidang perhubungan.
<br id="idx01">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-0.jpg" width="100%">
Gerobak ibu Alus mudah ditemukan karena lokasinya betul-betul di ujung simpang jalan Harapan, Lenteng Agung.
Hanya saja, gerobaknya tanpa tanda / tulisan informasi.
<br id="idx02">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-1.jpg" width="100%">
Selain nasi Uduk, ibu Alus juga berjualan Lontong Sayur dan Gorengan.
<br id="idx03">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-2.jpg" width="100%">
Untuk tahun 2022 ini, harga Nasi Uduk Telur Standar ialah Rp. 13000.
Kalau dengan "extra tempe", dibulatkan menjadi Rp. 15000.
<br id="idx04">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-3.jpg" width="100%">
Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Ayam Goreng dibeli secara terpisah di KFC LA Terrace, sekitar 1300m dari lokasi ibu Alus (arah Depok).
This [GitHub Page]( is hosted at []({{ site.urlgithub }}).
permalink: /ABOUT/
# About
This is a GitHub Page template on GitHub.
Fill free to clone/fork/hijack/whatever it!
# More Information
<a href="">GitHub Page</a>
<a href="">GitHub</a>
# This is the Way!
permalink: /TIPS/
4. [Four](<br>
Powder donut cheesecake wafer.
I love sugar plum brownie tart apple pie macaroon.
Donut wafer dragée pudding.
5. [Five](<br>
Soufflé I love gingerbread marshmallow cake I love applicake.
Sugar plum I love jelly beans powder jelly beans.
Ice cream ice cream cupcake liquorice I love.
6. [Six](<br>
Pastry sweet roll applicake bear claw donut sweet roll.
Chocolate carrot cake I love sesame snaps.
Pudding pudding chocolate cake croissant donut pastry pie cupcake cookie.
permalink: /LINKS/
1. [One](<br>
StarBucks ipsum dolor J.CO Do Not!
McD ipsum dolor Wendy's Burger King.
KFC urna libero, in purus hana masa, tempor hokben lorem.
2. [Two](<br>
Sweet roll lollipop tootsie roll cheesecake marshmallow macaroon chocolate bar biscuit candy.
Donut chocolate cake sugar plum icing dragée pie.
Chocolate marzipan jelly-o soufflé donut pudding apple pie jelly beans.
3. [Three](<br>
Liquorice bonbon lemon drops marshmallow.
Sweet roll gummies gummies jelly tiramisu chocolate fruitcake.
Jelly chocolate jelly beans marzipan brownie bonbon muffin.
source ""
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
gem 'jekyll-paginate'
gem 'faraday-retry'
gem 'webrick'
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins
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File _includes/navbar.html
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Shamelessly stolen from "Here, There, and Everywhere",
including but not limited to "bootstrap", "stack overflow",
"Mike Dane", "w3schools", et al.
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File: _includes/google-analytics.html
REV02: Tue 03 Aug 2021 09:34:59 WIB
REV01: Wed 31 Mar 2021 07:15:14 WIB
START: Wed 17 Feb 2021 19:47:55 WIB
Google Analytics: Global site tag (gtag.js)
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function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
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gtag('config', '{{ site.google_analytics }}');
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# (c) 2011 Brice Fernandes. This script was ripped from
# Note: This script is outdated.
# The author uses Handlebars.js or Pystache for the same purpose.
# Usage:
# python .program/ < in.pmd >
import sys
import re
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
exe_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(!>(.*)<\)\s*')
inc_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(>(.*)<\)\s*')
if __name__ == "__main__":
for line in sys.stdin:
match_exe = re.match(exe_pat, line)
match_inc = re.match(inc_pat, line)
if match_exe:
space =
exe =
args = shlex.split(exe)
lambda x: space+x+"\n",
elif match_inc:
space =
inc =
lambda x: space+x,