GitHub Page Configuration Files

Ujung Simpang Jalan Harapan, LA.


version:          "0003b--23-Aug-2022"
copyright:        "2022-2022"
title:            "Nasi Uduk Ibu Alus"
author:           "Ibu Alus"
address:          "Ujung Simpang Jalan Harapan, LA."
  Nasi Uduk
  Ibu Alus
  Ujung Simpang Jalan Harapan, Lenteng Agung, Jakarta Selatan
  I have spoken.
tagline:          "Nasi Uduk, Ibu Alus, Simpang Harapan"
keywords:         "jekyll, testing"
- navbar:         "Home"
  link:           "/"
- navbar:         "GitHub"
  link:           ""
- navbar:         "Listing"
  link:           "/000.html"
- navbar:         "GitHub Page"
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lang:             "en-US"
sitemap:          "true"
markdown:         "kramdown"
urlweb:           ""
urlcontact:       "TBA"
urlgithub:        ""
google_analytics: "G-R63RWB2DG9"
- jekyll-sitemap
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- metadata


<br id="idx00">
# {{ site.title }}

<br id="idx01">
<img src="images/QR.png" width="50%">

Setiap pagi, ibu Alus berjualan Nasi Uduk di ujung simpang jalan Harapan,
sekitar 300m setelah stasiun Lenteng Agung -- sebelah kiri jalan arah ke Depok.
Biasanya, ibu Alus bersama pak Alus, yang sudah pensiun dari sebuah BUMN bidang perhubungan.

<br id="idx01">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-0.jpg" width="100%">

Gerobak ibu Alus mudah ditemukan karena lokasinya betul-betul di ujung simpang jalan Harapan, Lenteng Agung.
Hanya saja, gerobaknya tanpa tanda / tulisan informasi.

<br id="idx02">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-1.jpg" width="100%">

Selain nasi Uduk, ibu Alus juga berjualan Lontong Sayur dan Gorengan.

<br id="idx03">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-2.jpg" width="100%">

Untuk tahun 2022 ini, harga Nasi Uduk Telur Standar ialah Rp. 13000.
Kalau dengan "extra tempe", dibulatkan menjadi Rp. 15000.

<br id="idx04">
<img src="images/Nasi-Uduk-Bu-Alus-20220816-3.jpg" width="100%">

Syarat dan ketentuan berlaku.
Ayam Goreng dibeli secara terpisah di KFC LA Terrace, sekitar 1300m dari lokasi ibu Alus (arah Depok).

This [GitHub Page]( is hosted at []({{ site.urlgithub }}).

permalink: /ABOUT/

# About

This is a GitHub Page template on GitHub.
Fill free to clone/fork/hijack/whatever it!

# More Information





    <a href="">GitHub Page</a>



    <a href="">GitHub</a>




# This is the Way!

permalink: /TIPS/


4. [Four](<br>
Powder donut cheesecake wafer.
I love sugar plum brownie tart apple pie macaroon.
Donut wafer dragée pudding.

5. [Five](<br>
Soufflé I love gingerbread marshmallow cake I love applicake.
Sugar plum I love jelly beans powder jelly beans.
Ice cream ice cream cupcake liquorice I love.

6. [Six](<br>
Pastry sweet roll applicake bear claw donut sweet roll.
Chocolate carrot cake I love sesame snaps.
Pudding pudding chocolate cake croissant donut pastry pie cupcake cookie.

permalink: /LINKS/


1. [One](<br>
StarBucks ipsum dolor J.CO Do Not!
McD ipsum dolor Wendy's Burger King.
KFC urna libero, in purus hana masa, tempor hokben lorem.

2. [Two](<br>
Sweet roll lollipop tootsie roll cheesecake marshmallow macaroon chocolate bar biscuit candy.
Donut chocolate cake sugar plum icing dragée pie.
Chocolate marzipan jelly-o soufflé donut pudding apple pie jelly beans.

3. [Three](<br>
Liquorice bonbon lemon drops marshmallow.
Sweet roll gummies gummies jelly tiramisu chocolate fruitcake.
Jelly chocolate jelly beans marzipan brownie bonbon muffin.


source ""
gem 'jekyll-sitemap'
gem 'jekyll-seo-tag'
gem 'jekyll-paginate'
gem 'faraday-retry'
gem 'webrick'
gem 'github-pages', group: :jekyll_plugins


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<!-- START: Wed 17 Feb 2021 19:00        -->
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# REV19: Tue 23 Aug 2022 17:00
# REV09: Wed 17 Aug 2022 10:00
# REV07: Tue 03 Aug 2021 09:00
# REV05: Mon 19 Jul 2021 13:00
# REV02: Tue 15 Jun 2021 11:00
# START: Mon 15 Feb 2021 09:00


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<!-- REV01: Mon 30 May 2022 03:00:00 WIB  -->
<!-- START: Wed 17 Feb 2021 19:00:00 WIB  -->
<!-- This is a free HTML file             -->
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File   _includes/navbar.html
REV02: Tue 03 Aug 2021 09:41:00 WIB
REV01: Sun 04 Jul 2021 09:57:16 WIB
START: Wed 17 Feb 2021 19:48:31 WIB
This is a free HTML file

<nav class='navbar'>
    {% for ii in site.navbarlinks %}    
      <li><a href="{{ | relative_url }}">{{ ii.navbar }}</a>
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 Shamelessly stolen from "Here, There, and Everywhere",
 including but not limited to "bootstrap", "stack overflow", 
 "Mike Dane", "w3schools", et al.

.backclass {

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/* See              */
/* See */
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File:  _includes/google-analytics.html

REV02: Tue 03 Aug 2021 09:34:59 WIB
REV01: Wed 31 Mar 2021 07:15:14 WIB
START: Wed 17 Feb 2021 19:47:55 WIB

Google Analytics: Global site tag (gtag.js) 

{% if site.google_analytics %}
    async src="{{ site.google_analytics }}">
    window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || [];
    function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);}
    gtag('js', new Date());
    gtag('config', '{{ site.google_analytics }}');
{% endif %}


# (c) 2011 Brice Fernandes. This script was ripped from 
# Note: This script is outdated.  
# The author uses Handlebars.js or Pystache for the same purpose.
# Usage: 
#     python .program/ < in.pmd >

import sys
import re
import shlex
import subprocess as sp
exe_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(!>(.*)<\)\s*')
inc_pat = re.compile(r'(\s*)\(>(.*)<\)\s*')
if __name__ == "__main__":
  for line in sys.stdin:
    match_exe = re.match(exe_pat, line)
    match_inc = re.match(inc_pat, line)

    if match_exe:
      space =
      exe =
      args = shlex.split(exe)
          lambda x: space+x+"\n", 

    elif match_inc:
      space =
      inc =
          lambda x: space+x, 



This is the WAY! This template is mainly written for OWN PURPOSES. Hopefully, it will be helpful in the future. It is based on "Google There, Google Here, Try That, Try This, Then Ask." Whether this is PLAGIARY or RESEARCH, there has never been a claim that this is an original work, nor is it necessarily the best solution, and not for Scopus consumption :). You might provide feedback on alternative ideas.

© 2022-2022 --- Ibu Alus --- Revision: 0004--18-Oct-2022.